Requests for Proposal
2024-2025 CAEP Santa Barbara Adult Education
Special Request for Proposal Period
OPEN until March 21, 2025
Timeline & Procurement
The Santa Barbara Adult Education Consortium (SBAEC) allocation for the year-10 grant
cycle is $1,006,673.00. There is a total of $444,351.00 of unallocated carryover funds available in the year 10 grant cycle. The application is due March 21, 2025.
All awardees are expected to expend funds no later than September 1, 2025.
The Consortium is seeking innovative proposals that enhance or expand current and
ongoing CAEP SBAEC initiatives that support the planning and implementation of approved
consortium activities.
A comprehensive and competitive Request for Proposal submission will align with the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) grant and the Consortium's goals and objectives listed on the Request for Proposal application.
The Consortium welcomes the public, students, teachers employed by local educational
agencies, Community College faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff,
and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community colleges to submit
SBAEC Request for Proposal. Only members of public institutions and nongovernment
entities and organizations may apply for programmatic funding.
Supporting Documents
(I) CAEP SBAEC Annual Plan (2023-2024)
(II) CAEP SBAEC Three-Year Plan (2022-2025)
(III) SBCC School of Extended Learning BW Research Economic and Workforce Gap Analysis for Adult Education Students (2022-2023)
Request for Proposal Instructions
(I) Complete the 2024-2025 Santa Barbara Adult Education Consortium Special Request for Proposal Application. As a reminder, all awardees are expected to expend funds by September 1, 2025. Your
timeline of activities should reflect expenditures by the deadline.
(II) Email the 2024-2025 Santa Barbara Adult Education Consortium Special Request
for Proposal Application to
(III) The Request for Proposal Application is due NO LATER THAN MARCH 21, 2025.
Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the Santa Barbara Adult Education
Consortium. You may be asked for clarification during the review period. Approval
of applications will be announced at the SBAEC Public Meeting on April 2, 2025.
Questions? Email: |